Refreshing, low-calorie fruit high in water content and rich in vitamins A and C, promoting hydration and skin health.

Seedless Watermelon
Juicy fruit variant without seeds, known for its refreshing taste, high water content, and rich in vitamins A and C.

Green Coconut
​Immature coconut fruit with refreshing, electrolyte-rich water and soft, gel-like flesh, offering hydration and nutrients such as potassium and magnesium.

Mango Tommy
Varietal known for its sweet, tangy flavor and vibrant orange flesh, rich in vitamin C and fiber.

Nutrient-dense fruit rich in healthy fats, fiber, and vitamins, promoting heart health, skin nourishment, and overall well-being.

Yellow Melon
Sweet and juicy fruit with vibrant yellow flesh, high in vitamins A and C, offering hydration and promoting skin health and immune function.